Link to the Riverbend Down Syndrome Association Web Site

Link to our home page

The URL for the Riverbend Down Syndrome Association web site, valid for all browsers, is:

Example description

The purpose of the Riverbend Down Syndrome Association web site is to provide information to parents and professionals on the topics of Down syndrome and language & communication, phenotype, early intervention, homeschooling, inclusion, life planning, literacy, mathematics, medical issues, milestones, resources, sports & fitness, supplements & drugs and therapies.
A comprehensive source on Down syndrome for parents and professionals.

Our logo

50x50 Logo
50x50 pixels

Link to a specific page

The URL is found at the bottom lower right corner of each page, e.g., to link to the Down syndrome and Autism page:


This entry point URL will, based on the user's browser capability, automatically redirect to:
for most browsers, e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0+, Netscape Navigator 2.0+, Communicator 4.0+
for Opera 3.2, AOL 3.0, Windows 3.1 browsers
for Pocket PCs and WebTV
for browsers with JavaScript disabled or low resolution displays


Question: I accessed the Riverbend Down Syndrome web site through an Internet search engine and the following URL address appears: What does this mean?
Answer: This URL specifies to load the page autism.html using frames.

Question: When I access the Riverbend Down Syndrome web site the URL is:
Will it work if I cut and paste this URL and send it to a friend?
Answer: This link will not work if your friend has an older browser, e.g., AOL 3.0, or a reduced display, e.g., Pocket PC or WebTV. Always use:

Question: I do not like frames. Do you have alternate menus?
Answer: Yes. The text based menu is located at: and the floating menu is located at:

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